Saturday, July 7, 2012
Nearly 6 Months
Friday, May 4, 2012
Planting and a Wax Museum
I really miss my sweet Aimee girl! I miss her bubbly, creative, spontaneity. I miss her beautiful auburn hair and pretty, smiling face. I miss hearing her sing almost all day long. I do still feel her, but the ache in my chest seems to just be part of my life now. An ever present feeling that something is missing, or rather someone is missing. Ok, enough of that. It's making me feel like crying.
I've really been enjoying the weather lately. I love to work in the yard. Last week just below my right ankle started hurting badly and I had the chiropractor look at it and my massage therapist worked on it and then I finally had an x-ray and the diagnosis was tendinitis. I am taking lots of ibuprofen and it's helping some. However, the thing that helped the most was jumping on my shovel with the foot supports. lol Ya, I know I should be careful and not over do it, but that is not who I am.
On Wednesday I had the chance to take a bunch of plants from a neighbor's yard. She'd been telling me that I should take them for months and I felt weird about it. To make a long story short there is a divorce involved and they've been in and out of the house. It's really sad. They used to take such amazing care of their yard and now it looks awful. I don't think it's been watered this year. They are going to let it go in a short sale because they're upside down on it financially. We've had other homes go like that in our subdivision and the grass and plants all die as well as most of the trees. It's really sad.
Earlier in the day Wednesday some people none of us recognized came and started taking the plants and bushes and stuff. When they left the neighbors in the circle realized that if we were going to take any of the plants we should hop on it. I still felt weird, but since she'd told me over and over I could take anything I wanted I finally decided to do it. Wednesday I dug up lots of plants and brought them to my house where they could get water and tlc. We didn't take everything, and almost all the trees are still there.
I think I'm going to water their trees and mow the lawn and spray for weeds so it doesn't get as bad as the house on the corner did. The people in the corner house are just starting to put the yard in. It was abandoned when I moved in. That one's yard wasn't taken care of for three years. It finally was purchased last year. I'm glad it will finally get looking good again. I just don't want to see another home in my circle go that same route. Especially not the one right next to me. I hope the bank will get it sold soon so we can get some neighbors in there who will take care of it.
Anyway, after digging things up for several hours Wednesday I started planting here for a total of four hours that day. When I first went over there I was hobbling. Once I decided I was going to go after it and I hopped on the shovel it took about 5 minutes and whatever was bugging my ankle stopped hurting. I think it popped back into place. Then yesterday I spent 6 hours planting in my yard. I still have a bit to go, but it's so nice to see my flower beds shaping up.
When we moved in here this house had nothing that should have been growing in the back yard and the front lawn was like a dandelion preserve. I've planted hundreds of bulbs and worked hard on the lawn and it's looking good now. The first year we lived here we got the back lawn in and a huge sand box in with our play set in it as well as a large concrete patio put in. We still have lots to do, but it's getting there little by little.
I'm hopeful that I'll be able to sit in my back yard soon without feeling the constant urge to weed because I can't stand to look at it. I've been working hard on it, but it's a never ending battle. I sometimes dream how it would be if I could just say to the weeds "don't grow here" and they'd pull up their roots and walk out of my yard and not come back. Wouldn't that be a sight! Something akin to "de-gnoming" the garden in the Harry Potter books.
Oh, I did have one more thing to share. Aaron was Theodore Roosevelt in his 2nd grade wax museum. He did a report on President Roosevelt and had to memorize some of the facts from his report. He was the cutest "Teddy Roosevelt" there. I was surprised how many Theodore Roosevlets there were though. He was one of the most popular choices. I got his moustache (apx $5.50) at Zurchers with his glasses ($1.79). I didn't have to purchase anything other than that and the shirt. We had all the rest of the costume. Too bad he doesn't want to use it for Halloween.
Well, I've probably rambled enough. I'll try to post again much sooner than last time.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Happy Birthday Aimee!
Me at the Oquirrh Mt. Temple holding Aimee's temple card |
It was really hard for me to see her family name card (the card I'm holding in the photo). I've seen so many of those pink cards as I've done temple work, but to see my daughter's name and info on that card was kind of shocking. However, I could feel how excited she was to have her work done. It was so neat to be able to do it for her. I'd been feeling bad because I was thinking this was the last thing I could do for her on Earth. During the temple session I felt her spirit telling me that the last thing I can do for her is to endure to the end so we can be together as a family through the eternities. I hadn't thought of it that way and it felt good to have her share that with me.
We had so many friends and family at the temple it reminded me of how it will be when we return to our heavenly home. My Dad is a temple worker and this morning he officiated the session. My friend Roxanne Gomez (whom I visit teach) is also a temple worker and she helped me too. It was wonderful to have so many people I care about there for me and Aimee! In addition to Garrett and I being there, my Mom, my siblings and their spouses, Bishop King and Amy King, Bishop Pierce and Randee Pierce, Shane and Kristin LeBarron, Adrian Paschall, Rozanne Paxman, Tresa Haymond, my Aunt Deb and Uncle Roger Roth, and my cousin Paul and his wife Shannon Clawson were all there. I keep thinking there were others there too, but hopefully I listed everyone. It was a really neat session!
I wish I could have seen Aimee all dressed in white with her beautiful face and auburn hair. I remember how darling she was as my flower girl in her white dress outside the temple and at my wedding reception. Then a few years later she was so pretty in her white baptism dress. I hope that someday I'll be able to see her dressed in white as she is sealed to her future spouse. Who knows, maybe she's already met him. At least I know where she's at all the choices will be good ones.
I found out the heart shaped granite with the vase was installed at her spot yesterday. I had planned to have our family go to the cemetery to put flowers in the vase, but it was really rainy and cold with some snow. When the kids got home from school they didn't want to go, so my Mom picked me up and we went up together. Someone had already put some flowers there and I had bought some so I added them to make a larger bouquet.
We've had so many kind things done for us today! My cousin Jenny had a pie delivered with a beautiful note. (She is on a cruise to Mexico and couldn't come today but was here in spirit.) My Olson Aunts, Uncles and cousins sent some beautiful yellow roses in a glass vase. Our home teacher (Brother LeBarron) made a delicious cake he brought over. My friend Mary Scarborough brought me a yellow and pink Gerber daisy and some yummy bread. Many of the youth from our current ward and our ward prior to the split came over and sang happy birthday for Aimee and brought us balloons and cookies. My friend Lori Denny (who was my previous Relief Society President) and her daughter (who was one of Aimee's friends in Laurels) brought me a yellow perennial called "basket of gold". I'm sure I've forgotten something, but I feel so loved and I appreciate everything everyone has done so much!
We also had some family over tonight for dinner, dessert and visiting, and earlier today we went to Chilis for lunch and Lava cake (Aimee's favorite). It has been a really special day. I was worried, but it's turned out well. Thanks to everyone who helped us so much today!
Friday, April 6, 2012
Aimee's Marker
Next Thursday is Aimee's birthday. She would have been 18 years old. At times I feel cheated, but I know somehow, someday God will make it all right. We are going to do Aimee's temple work on her birthday. I'm really glad we're going to do something so positive on such a difficult day. I feel sad that it is the last thing I can do for her and in some ways want to save it for later, but I feel like this is the best thing for all of us. I don't want to stall her eternal progression and I think it will be wonderful to feel her so close in the temple that day!
On Monday this week her marker was put in place. The vase still hasn't been put in because the custom heart shaped granite hasn't arrived yet. I'm hopeful that it will be in by her birthday, but the marker turned out beautiful!
On Tuesday my Mom met me at the cemetery to see her marker for the first time. It felt good to have it in place. I felt really out of sorts when the cemetery had to take down the temporary marker at 2 months. It was really hard for me to have her spot be unmarked for a couple weeks. Her cute pinwheel was still there, but it feels better to me to have her marker in place. I know she'll never be forgotten, but somehow having her spot be unmarked was disconcerting to me. I feel like I'll be more at peace when the grass and the vase are in place as well. The grass is scheduled for next week, but we'll see.
My Mom had stopped at the store and gotten flowers and balloons. As you can tell from the photo above the pinwheels were going like crazy. So after decorating her spot and my sister Angie's spot for Easter we went to lunch at a little Chinese restaurant close by. It was really yummy. Then I came home and after an hour I laid down for a nap. I slept for a couple hours. I think all the cleaning of the past week and the emotions of the day took their tole.
I worked hard in the yard yesterday and wiped myself out again. I have a really hard time pacing myself. It's hard not to over do it. Today I started cleaning and had to take a break after a bit. If you're wondering why I get so tired so easily it's because I found out last year I have fibromyalgia. I have been having a hard time coming to grips with it because I like to go go go and having to slow down is really annoying! I don't like to make excuses and I have to keep telling myself that fibromyalgia isn't an excuse. I'm still not really settled with it, but I'm taking it a day at a time as I am with so many other things.
I really enjoyed LDS General Conference this last weekend and am so grateful for all the many talks that seemed to be "just for me". I especially enjoyed President Monson's talk titled "The Race of Life". He quoted Alma 40:11-12 in the Book of Mormon:
“Now, concerning the state of the soul between death and the resurrection—Behold, it has been made known unto me by an angel, that the spirits of all men, as soon as they are departed from this mortal body, yea, the spirits of all men, whether they be good or evil, are taken home to that God who gave them life.
“And then shall it come to pass, that the spirits of those who are righteous are received into a state of happiness, which is called paradise, a state of rest, a state of peace, where they shall rest from all their troubles and from all care, and sorrow.”
I loved President Monson's testimony of the Savior and His resurrection. I am so grateful for Easter and the opportunity it provides us to celebrate the gift of eternal life our brother gave to us through His sacrifice! He is my hero and I am so thankful for the knowledge of His gospel! I hope everyone has a blessed Easter and can feel the love our God and Savior have for each of us!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Video of Aimee Singing
Last year at Herriman High Aimee was in the Theater Showcase. She was so excited and chose to sing "I Know it's Today" from Shrek the Musical. Jann Boyer, Aimee's voice teacher, helped her pick out the song. We had fun going to Hale Theater's costume rental site and picking out the dress she wore. She also had some last minute rehearsals with Jann that she loved! Aimee did an amazing job performing this song!
She has such a beautiful voice and loved to perform! I miss seeing her on stage. At least I have lots of videos and photos to remember her by.
When I was watching the video today I was a bit startled by some of the lyrics. There is a part where she (Fionna) talks about Snow White being in a coma and how she is glad it's Snow White and not her. It was a bit hard to hear her singing about being in a coma. It's interesting how life's experiences can change how we view things that wouldn't have bothered us before.
For Valentine's day Garrett and I went to see "The Vow". I knew there was an accident in it and that the wife lost her memory, but I didn't realize that there would be such a lot of time spent on the hospital. It was probably only 15 minutes, but it seemed like an eternity from my perspective. The head injury, the medically induced coma, the different terms and even the hallway the husband was in at one point all brought back so many hard memories for me. It was still a great movie and I'd recommend it, but it was hard for me to watch.
At the end of last year Aimee had really started liking the song, "If I Die Young" by the band Perry. She bought it for her iPod and at one point just the two of us were driving somewhere and that song was playing. I asked her to change the channel. She asked why and I told her it was just so harsh to think of one of my kids dying young. She understood and put on a different song. I had no idea in less than a month I'd be facing that trial with her. That song is still hard for me to listen to.
Sometimes I feel the "whys" are seeking to overtake me. At those times I turn back to reading conference talks, prayer, searching the scriptures and attending the temple. Today I read a talk by Lance B. Wickman from the LDS General Conference in October 2002 titled, "But If Not". In it he said, "Reduced to their essence, humility and submissiveness are an expression of complete willingness to let the “why” questions go unanswered for now, or perhaps even to ask, “Why not?” It is in enduring well to the end (see 2 Ne. 31:15–16; Alma 32:15; D&C 121:8) that we achieve this life’s purposes. I believe that mortality’s supreme test is to face the “why” and then let it go, trusting humbly in the Lord’s promise that “all things must come to pass in their time” (D&C 64:32)." (emphasis added)
He also said, "grief is the natural by-product of love. One cannot selflessly love another person and not grieve at his suffering or eventual death. The only way to avoid the grief would be to not experience the love; and it is love that gives life its richness and meaning. Hence, what a grieving parent can expect to receive from the Lord in response to earnest supplication may not necessarily be an elimination of grief so much as a sweet reassurance that, whatever his or her circumstances, one’s child is in the tender care of a loving Heavenly Father."
"We know He lives; therefore, we trust Him to bless us according to His divine will and wisdom. This childlike confidence in the Lord is known in scripture simply as the “sacrifice” of “a broken heart and a contrite spirit” (D&C 59:8)." I am trying to focus on that trust and let go of the whys.
Yesterday I went to the temple with my cousin Jenny. She has been a strength to me as we attend the temple together nearly weekly. On the way to the Oquirrh Mt. Temple yesterday I started crying and it was all I could do to keep from sobbing. When I got the to parking lot I just wanted to run into the temple to seek the peace I feel there.
Once I was calmly inside and changed into temple clothing Jenny asked if I needed a hug. I did, and I sobbed into her shoulder. Through the first half hour of service tears kept streaming down my face. Two sweet temple workers helped to comfort me and I was able to continue on and perform the work for 10 sisters. By the time I was done I felt so much better. I was exhausted both physically and emotionally, but I felt that peace again.
It seemed at the time of Aimee's passing that the veil was so thin. Its really hard for me to feel that it is it becoming more opaque again. I'm not sure if it is something I'm doing or not doing or if it is the Lord's way of gently pulling back to encourage me to stand on my own. I feel like a wobbly legged fawn just learning to stand and needing to abruptly sit on a frequent basis. I long for the closeness I felt and want to do whatever I can to continue to feel the spirit near.
In talking about the loss of his son, Elder Wickman said, "the tender ministering of the Spirit and the passage of the years have softened our sadness." I'm hoping that I can get to a point where I can remember her mainly with gladness and that the aching sorrow and longing will be softened through faith in God's will and His timing.
I know He knows what is best and although I don't comprehend why I do trust Him. I just have to keep reminding myself to have faith in what I cannot see or understand at this time.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Sometimes my heart aches so badly I feel that the only thing keeping it from literally breaking into pieces is the Savior. In a talk by Robert D. Hales titled "Waiting upon the Lord: Thy Will Be Done" Elder Hales said, ““in my Gethsemane” and yours, we are not alone. He that watches over us “shall neither slumber nor sleep.” His angels here and beyond the veil are “round about [us], to bear [us] up.”” I know this is true. I feel His presence and that of many angels strengthening me. The Savior's grace makes it possible for me to face each new day.
I think the guilt, pain, sorrow, despair and many more emotions that come and go are all a part of working through this great loss. In a different talk by Quentin L. Cook titled, "The Songs They Could Not Sing" Elder Cook says, "The refiner’s fire is real, and qualities of character and righteousness that are forged in the furnace of affliction perfect and purify us and prepare us to meet God."
He goes on to say, "A unique challenge for those who have lost loved ones is to avoid dwelling on the lost opportunities in this life. Often those who die early have demonstrated significant capabilities, interests, and talents. With our limited understanding, we lament the things that will not be accomplished and the songs that will not be sung." I often wonder what Aimee would have achieved with her many talents. She was and is amazing! I miss seeing her learn and grow and I miss the association we had on a daily basis. I miss visiting with her, enjoying her company and experiencing things together.
Last fall we went to Tuachan and watched the musical production of the "Little Mermaid" as a family. Aimee loved it! We had such a great time, and I am so grateful we were able to go on that trip together!
I posted the photo to the right on Facebook right after the musical and Aimee commented on the photo saying, "These two are my new role models, they were the ones I couldn't take my eyes off of whenever they were onstage because of their attitude and facial expressions they are amazing I want to learn to act like they can." She told them that she was amazed by their ability to never drop character, not even once.
I always thought of Aimee's Disney princess as Arial. Her red hair, beautiful voice and independent spirit made them seem like such a good fit. When the kids went up to Arial and Eric after the musical to get a photo, Eric said something about there being two "Arials" in the picture. It was cute. I think Aimee would have done a great job playing that part.
I haven't picked a date yet, but I plan to take the family down to St. George again, hopefully soon. I think the longer we wait the harder it will be. I know going to Tuacahn will be hard, but maybe Aimee will come with us in spirit. Starting after the first week of June they're playing "Aladdin" and "Hair Spray". We saw a shortened version of "Aladdin" in California Adventures in October last year. It was really good. The Genie was amazing! Aimee loved that one too! Below are some more pictures from Tuacahn in September 2011.
The phrase "time flies on wings of lightening" keeps coming into my mind. I can hardly believe that 2 months have already passed since Aimee left us. There are still times I think about things we'll be doing together and then I realize that she's gone ahead and that those things will have to wait. I miss my precious, sweet, beloved girl!
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Memories are Precious
When Aimee was little we were reading some of the Author books and there was a character named Prunella in them. One day when she got out of the bath she commented on how wrinkly her hands and feet were. I told her she looked pruney and then I called her Prunella. She didn't love that character but we thought it was funny so the nickname resurfaced whenever she had pruney skin and continued on with the other kids. Today we decided that Aaron could be Prunello when he's pruney.
I've been thinking about how important memories are. That is why I'm trying to post memories of Aimee each week. My cousin gave me a pretty glass decoration with this quote on it:
"When someone you love becomes a memory, that memory becomes a treasure."That saying is so true! I think about Aimee so many times a day and I treasure those memories. I miss her so much! Sometimes I can't believe the past couple months are real and that she's actually gone from this life. I know she lives on and I'll see her again, but I miss the interactions we could have had here. I'm grateful for the time I had with her though. She is such an amazing person!
When Garrett and I were dating he'd come over at night and play with Aimee while I'd fix dinner. One of the things that I fell in love with was watching her play with him. Seeing how kind, gentle and patient he was with her was endearing.
One day he'd been there with us through the evening and I'd gotten Aimee tucked into bed. We were sitting on my couch talking and Aimee came out and looked at us and said, "Are you two going to get married?" We hadn't been dating long and I was fumbling for words and hurried her back into bed. When I came back in her audacious comments prompted some talk about future plans. I'm quite certain she helped things move along a bit more quickly than they would have otherwise.
When we were taking photos on our wedding day Aimee climbed up on a bench and called us over to her. She told us to sit down and she came up behind us and hugged us. I love that photo of the three of us! Her sweet smile and those adorable auburn curls framing her face are something I loved seeing. She was so beautiful and energetic! I miss her vibrant personality!
One of my ScrapGirls friends (Brandy Murry) made this layout for me. I'm going to try to post about each of the layouts that were made for me to display at the viewing. I love the quote on this one.
I think my new antibiotic is working. My cough is better than yesterday at least. I slept most of the morning after breakfast and that helped too. I don't feel as out of breath as yesterday, but I'm not moving around lots. I so want to go outside and weed on this beautiful day, but I know that would not be a wise way to protect my recovering health. Maybe I'll just sit out there for a bit once I get out of my pjs. Right now I'm in my office with the window open, listening to the kids playing and feeling the nice breeze.
I was planning on going to my Mom's stake Relief Society meeting about "Finding Peace" today. I was so sad I didn't make it there. They just sent me a photo of them releasing yellow balloons which is something we did at the cemetery after Aimee's spot was dedicated. I kissed and hugged my balloon before sending it heavenward to my sweet girl. I know some people took photos of the balloons as they were floating up and if anyone has a copy they could send me it would mean a lot.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
I've been sick, well actually I am sick
Then I came home and promptly fell into bed and slept for 2.5 hours. I feel better now, but I know I over did it. My sweet hubby fixed breakfast for dinner and got the kids to do their homework. I have the best husband in the world!
I've been missing Aimee lots and lots! We went to the cemetery Monday and decorated her spot for St. Patrick's day. I had hoped to take the kids Saturday and build a snowman, but we didn't get there. We ended up taking the kids to dinner and to see the Lorax. Aimee had really wanted to see that movie so I thought of her a lot as we were going through the night. It was a cute movie!
Once we got the decorations up Victoria was really excited to be in the picture, but Aaron had already headed to the car. He can only handle about 10 minutes at the cemetery right now then he goes and plays his DSI. I think partly it's the cold, but I think he hurts and wants to numb the pain by distracting himself. There are also tissues in the car so he can have a minute to himself if he needs it.
The ground at Aimee's spot is sand right now because it's been too frozen to put sod down. They'll get it covered with grass in about a month. I'm hoping that they can get the grass all done before or at the same time her marker is put in which should be in about a month.
I miss her so much! I just ache for wishing to squeeze her tight and look in her eyes and talk to her. I miss her singing throughout the day. I'm grateful for the feelings of peace I get from the Savior! That is how I make it through day by day. Sometimes I just can't believe she's gone. It was so fast that at times it seems like it hasn't sunk in. I think she'll be back tomorrow or wonder about something coming up and then realize that she's on the other side of the veil now. Frequently it just doesn't seem real.
When I hurt the most I cry, pray, read conference talks and find a distraction when I can't bear it anymore. I've been reading a lot so my house is a mess, but I'm doing the basics, and Garrett is helping out lots with all of that. Aimee wanted me to read the Goose Girl series and I think I started reading them just before the funeral. I'm on the last book we have here "Forest Born". I hope there is another after this because I love the series!
I'm trying to find happiness by spending time with my husband and kids that are still here, but sometimes it's really hard because I feel Aimee's absence so strongly. I feel her presence daily and I am grateful for that. I just wish I could see her and talk to her and touch and hear her too. I enjoy being with my family, I just feel incomplete. I try to find joy in the little things and keep doing things I enjoy. I just feel a constant ache and longing for my sweet girl!
Friday, March 2, 2012
One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish...
Aimee loved One Fish Two Fish, Hop on Pop and Fox in Socks! I loved reading the bit in the Fox in Socks about the tweedle beetles. "When tweedle beetles battle it's a tweedle beetle battle..." So many fun memories reading to the kids!
We also loved the Dr. Seuss ABC book. I loved the part about "Aunt Annie's alligator" and Aimee and I would always giggle and talk about how we didn't think that Aunt Annie (ours, my sweet Nettie) would ride an alligator. I also loved the "Zans" part and how it opened cans. I told all of my kids when I'd read that part that I didn't think I'd like having one of those in my house. lol
When she was about 2 years old she was sitting on the couch at Grandma Sue's house holding a Dr. Seuss book reciting the words to the story and turning the pages as she went. My mom stopped and stood there open mouthed and said, "She can read?!" I told her no, that Aimee was really good at memorizing and I'd read her that book a few times.
Aimee could literally hear something a few times and memorize it. She was amazing that way! She starred as Annie in the Up With Kids Production of Annie when she was 5 years old and had it all memorized. I remember during the rehearsals that sometimes she would tell the other kids their lines too. Absolutely precocious, audacious and precious!
The photo on the right isn't the best quality, but it shows Aimee wearing her little orphan Annie outfit on stage after the production of Annie. She is holding her own "Oscar". All the kids got one after the play and it was so darling!
Garrett is scanning our old negatives from the "pre-digital" camera days. That sounds like prehistoric or something. So when I find some more of the adorable Aimee staring as Annie photos I took I'll post them. Hopefully I can find some of a better quality. She was the cutest Annie I've ever seen! There is also a video of the play, but I'm not sure what the copyright is on that so I'll check on it. The sound quality was bad too because they had an issue with their video equipment and hadn't let us use our own video cameras so I'm not sure if it will work or not. I'll see if I can find a part where it's just her singing "The Sun Will Come Out tomorrow" or something. She was darling and I so miss hearing her voice!
My all time favorite Dr. Seuss book is "Oh, the Places You'll Go". It is so uplifting and motivating! This is a book for all ages.
I am so glad that Dr. Seuss shared his gifts with the world! Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Aimee's Camera
Aimee and I took a walk down the beach while Garrett and the kids played in the water. Burrr! She was trying to get a good picture of the waves crashing on the rock in the photo above. When she finally got the spray she was looking for she jumped up and down and ran to show me the picture on the viewer on her camera. This is the photo she was so pleased with. I think she did a good job!
I really miss how excited she'd get and how she'd include me and want to show me her latest discovery or accomplishment. Her enthusiasm was contagious and her smile and spontaneity made life so fun! I really miss her!
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Marker for Aimee's "Spot"
Garrett and I ordered Aimee's marker on the 15th and it should be in place by her birthday, April 12th. It will have a cameo (photo on tile) on it, but that takes longer to come in so I'm hoping that will be here by my birthday/Mother's day.
The bronze marker sits on granite with a 4 inch border of the granite surrounding it. It will have a separate heart shaped granite above it with a vase on that. The image below shows what the basic shapes will be on the bronze. It will be a dark bronze with the text and other emblems polished to a lighter shiney bronze.
It was really hard to pick everything out. It just felt so final. I feel weird saying that because death is the most final thing I can think of, but somehow picking out the marker made it even more real.
When Aimee was a little girl and and I divorced her father I took my maiden name of Bingham back again. When she found out I was Wendee Lynne Bingham and not Wendee Lynne Henline she wanted to be Aimee Lynne Bingham. I tried to explain to her that she was Aimee Lynne Henline, but that she was part of the Bingham family as well. She decided she was Aimee Lynne Henline Bingham and would always identify herself that way. For anyone that knows Aimee once she made her mind up on something there was little hope of changing her decision so Aimee Lynne Henline Bingham it was.
When I married Garrett and became a Pease she decided she was Aimee Lynne Henline Bingham Pease. Those were the three families who cared for and supported her in this life so I felt it was fitting that all three names be represented on her marker.
I also added the word beloved beneath where her photo will be because in French the name Aimee means beloved and that is one reason why we spelled her name that way. I also liked the double e at the end of that spelling because it is spelled like my name. She will always be my beloved daughter!
Some days are much harder than others and some are easier
Before Valentine's day one of the groups of Achievement day girls "hearted" our door and left some cupcakes, rang the doorbell and ran. It was so sweet and cute! (The pink and red hearts on the door were from the Achievement Day girls.)
Then on Valentine's day my sister Katie had watched our kids while Garrett and I went on a date and we came home to more hearts from the young women. Earlier that day a sister in our ward dropped off a sweet note for me with a bag of cinnamon bears. I love cinnamon bears! Also Aimee's two friends "the Kelsies" dropped a Valentine by for me. It was a cocoa mug with a teddy bear in it with treats. It was so sweet of them!
With all this kindness and so much more I feel guilty that I get so easily depressed by our loss of Aimee. I've been trying not to post "downer comments" on facebook. I've realized that this is my reality right now and people who want to be supportive can't support and encourage when they don't know what I'm feeling. I have been talking lots to my family and some friends, but it's just been a really hard few weeks. I probably will still try to put a mix of sad and other thoughts especially on FB just because I don't want to be exhausting.
Some times are easier than others and it seems that when I'm really striving to trust in the Lord and not lean unto my own understanding (Proverbs 3:5) I do much better. Prayer, reading conference talks and temple attendance really help me feel the greatest peace.
I read this quote on today, "Communication with our Father in Heaven—including our prayers to Him and His inspiration to us—is necessary in order for us to weather the storms and trials of life." ~President Thomas S. Monson. I've found that to be so true in my life!
During the daily reminders of Aimee's absence I sometimes take my eyes off the Lord and I begin to slide down the slippery slope of despair and then I dig in and regain my footing through returning my focus to trusting in my God.
It's just so easy to focus on the reality that I probably won't see my daughter until years from now. Last night when we were downstairs watching the movie "Rio" I took a bathroom break. When I was in the downstairs bathroom, which was previously Aimee's, I noticed her face wash, shampoo, conditioner and razer in the same place she'd left them and realized that she may have been the last one to touch them. It brought tears to my eyes and I opened her conditioner just to smell a reminder of her. I miss her so much it hurts!
Every day I wear a ring I bought the day after Valentine's day. I was going to buy it for Aimee for Christmas, but she kept talking me into buying her this and that until I couldn't get the ring for her too. I had decided to get it for her for Valentine's day, but that didn't work out. So when I went into Kohl's on the 15th I was planning on going directly to get what I went in for (yeah right). As soon as I saw the jewelry counter I heard the thought "you should go look and see if they have that ring". I thought to myself, "I'll just look and see". They had one left and it fit me and I couldn't believe that because of the sale and my 30% off coupon I got a $60 ring for about $13. The inside has these words engraved, "Mother Daughter Friends". I started to cry when I saw it and I've been wearing it every day since.
There are so many tender mercies that I notice each day and I am grateful for my loving Father in Heaven who is aware of me and sends angels to bear me up.
Monday, February 13, 2012
One Month...
The events of that day and those surrounding it keep playing through my mind. So many feelings, impressions, memories of words spoken, facial expressions, tender touches and so much more flood my memory. I feel sad, grateful, loved, carried and like my heart will break apart unless the strength of my God keeps holding it together.
In the last month I've learned that I can accept God's will without liking it. Yesterday when talking with my Bishop he reminded me that when the Savior was suffering in Gethsemane He asked the Father "... if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done." (Luke 22:42) The Father wants us to surrender our will to His and I now deeply understand that the submission is the important part. He doesn't expect that we will look forward to or even enjoy the challenges we must endure to return to Him. He understands that in our limited understanding we may wish there was another way, any other way, but by turning our will to His we are able to become more like Him and like His son, our Savior.
The very next verse (Luke 22:43) reads, "And there appeared an angel unto him from heaven, strengthening him." I know that I have had angels bearing me up and helping me to do things I couldn't have done on my own. I feel their presence every day and am so grateful for the comfort, strength and love they provide. I recognize their spirits. I wish I could see them, but I know them. They are those I knew and loved here before they moved onto the next part of their journey. I am grateful I feel Aimee's presence so often for she is one of those comforting me. I still miss her and wish I could take her in my arms and hold her tight and caress her beautiful auburn hair. I wish I could tell her I love her and hear her reply. I know she knows of my love, but I miss her more than I can express.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Audio Recording of Aimee's Funeral
The recording was edited to start after the opening prayer, and end before the closing prayer. I removed most of the pauses between the songs and speakers, and it is a lower quality recording because it is about an hour and 9 minutes long so otherwise it would take a long time to download.
The best way to listen to the recording is to save a copy of the recording to your computer you'll need to download it by right clicking on the link below and choosing "Save link as..." or "Save target as..." and then choose a location on your computer to store it. Once you've done that you can play the file right on your computer. Otherwise you can listen to it streaming on the web by clicking on the link below. However, it may temporarily stop playing while it is streaming or take a long time to load and play at all. Sometimes if you pause the file and wait a minute for it to download a temporary copy to your computer then you can listen to it without the playback stopping.
Funeral of Aimee Lynne Henline (smaller file with less pauses)
Funeral of Aimee Lynne Henline (larger file size with pauses)
The first song is sung by Aimee's friends from school. When they went up to sing the song and lined up, there was a gap just right of the middle next to her friend Kelsie. I kept looking at that empty spot thinking that Aimee was right there singing with them. I even had several people comment saying the same thing.
I truly appreciate the effort that was put into the music and talks. Aimee's funeral had many more songs than most funerals because her life was filled with music and it is how she loved to share her testimony of the Savior and to communicate in general. Music speaks directly to the heart.
I hope you're able to feel the peace the music and messages in the funeral have provided to me and many others.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Good day
I took the kids to swimming lessons and then came home to get ready to go to lunch with some friends from our ward. We had a good, long visit and yummy soup and salad at the Olive Garden. I came home and worked on some web design stuff for a bit and then my sister, Katie, and her kids came over. We cooked dinner together and then her husband Jeff got here and we all ate dinner together.
We were going to go to the gym and have the guys watch the kids, but instead after we'd fixed, eaten and cleaned up dinner we all played hide and go seek in our basement in the dark. The person who was "it" had to use a flashlight to find everyone's hiding spots. It was lots of fun! Aimee would have loved playing that with us!
At one point I crawled under a small child sized table with a blanket on the top. I didn't quite fit. Victoria said the table was a bit taller than before. lol
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Roller Coaster
I went to the temple today and I didn't want to leave. I feel peace there, and yet I know I have other things I need to attend to as well. I don't want to miss spending time with my other children, but it is an effort to smile, let alone want to do something I would have previously enjoyed. I feel guilty I'm not more fun to be with, and yet I know it's somehow reasonable.
I started reading The Birth We Call Death by Paul H. Dunn and Richard M. Eyre and found this quote, "Don't try to fight the sorrow you feel. The only way to take sorrow out of death is to take love out of life." I would suffer every moment if that is what was required to feel those moments of adoration and love for my daughter, but I hope the intensity of the hurt will decrease but not the intensity of the love. I think the pain will become less raw and the love will remain. That is how it was when my sister died nearly 20 years ago. I just feel I'm still in shock over Aimee's death.
Russell M. Neilson said in his April 1992 conference talk, "Mourning is one of the deepest expressions of pure love." Quotes like this help me feel it is ok to feel this pain. I know logically it is appropriate and expected to grieve a loss such as this, but somehow I feel like mourning is dishonoring the atonement. Reading and rereading these quotes brings me peace and gives me permission to feel allow the hurt to wash over me.
I'm finding that "God's hands are most often present to sustain and comfort us in our suffering rather than to remove the trials and suffering from our lives." (But If Not volume 2 by Joyce and Dennis Ashton) And as Henry Ward Beecher said, "the moment and ill can be patiently borne it is disarmed of its poison, though not of its pain."
I do feel God's love and the peace the comforter brings, but I still feel the deep ache of longing for my sweet daughter. I miss my friend.
I'm trying to do what needs to be done daily and then a little bit more. Reading church articles, scriptures and grief books help ease the pain as does praying and attending the temple. Sometimes distractions like reading a novel or watching a tv show help, although I don't do that much. I think I repeat myself over an over by talking about different parts of the last week of Aimee's life or the funeral or what I miss most, but it does help sometimes to talk about it. Other times I just want to think about it all on my own or think about something entirely different.
I'm taking it one day at a time, sometimes 1 hour at a time, sometimes 1 minute at a time and sometimes 1 breath at a time.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Avoiding Blood Clots
The first thing I found interesting is that activated protein C resistance is usually the first test used to see if someone may have a clotting disorder like factor V leiden. It is a less expensive way to find out if they need to do the more expensive test to find out if you have factor V leiden or another clotting disorder. If you test normal on the apc test (activated protein c test) then you don't need to do further testing. If you show a resistance in the apc test then they have other tests they can do to find out if you have a clotting disorder like factor V leiden.
Secondly, each time a child is created they receive 1 gene from each parent for multiple things. Since I have factor V leiden heterozygot I received the factor V leiden gene from my Mom and a normal factor V gene from my Dad. Garrett tested normal so he has two normal factor V genes. Aimee and Aaron both got the factor V leiden gene from me. Victoria got my healthy factor V gene so she tested normal.
It is more dangerous for a female to have factor V leiden because of estrogen. Aimee was on loestrin which is a very low dose of estrogen. She was having lots of cramping and extra bleeding with her menses and the loestrin helped with that. What we didn't know is that estrogen multiples your risk of clotting. If we had known that she had factor V leiden and known of the complications that estrogon adds to clotting then we could have prevented her from taking estrogen. I quit taking estrogen while in the hospital with Aimee. I am not loving the menopausal effects, but I'd rather deal with them than the increased risks.
There are other risk factors that can increase the chance of clotting as well. Being overweight is one of those risk factors, so I have some changes to make. Being dehydrated is an additional risk factor because it thickens the blood. So it's important to drink plenty of water and remain hydrated at all times especially if you have factor V leiden or another clotting disorder. Regular exercise is also very important to help prevent clotting. So again I have another change I need to make.
Something I hadn't realized is that when taking a long trip in the car or on an airplane it is important to get up and walk around every few hours. Keeping the blood flowing regularly is crucial in clot prevention. The doctor said that drinking several cups of water before leaving on a long trip and then continuing to drink while on the trip and after will help keep the blood thin and reduce the chances of a clot.
Basically most of these are things that everyone should do. Having factor V leiden doesn't mean that something like what happened to Aimee is destined to happen to me, my son or my mom. In fact when people get clots they usually happen in the deep veins of the legs (dvt: deep vein thrombosis). Those clots are dangerous because they can travel to the heart or the lungs (pe: pulmonary embolism) and possibly the brain (a stroke). Aimee's clot was very, very, very rare. Chances of it happening were about 1 in a million or 2 in 5 million. It does happens in people without factor V leiden. Having that risk factor increased her chances, taking estrogen also increased her chances. She was also dehydrated, and so forth. So each of these things added to her risk of clotting which resulted in the sinus venous thrombosis (clot in the vessels leaving the brain) that caused her to leave us.
There is lots more I could say about that, but mainly it comes down to the fact that I wish I'd known earlier so I could have never allowed her to start estrogen and so many other things. However, we do the best we can with the information we have at the time and that is all we can do. I know God has a plan for each of us and that He is very aware of us even down to things that may seem insignificant. He loves us and I trust His will in knowing what is best for my daughter and our family, but I miss her so much and wish this hadn't happened.
We will know more about Aaron's protein S numbers when the additional test results come back next week. There is a possibility that since he had a sinus infection when they tested him that the s proteins could have been effected by that and they may actually be normal.
The proteins c and s both help to stop clotting. So low numbers increase the clotting risk and that is why we're concerned. I'll be sure to update everyone here when I find out more. In the mean time drink, exercise and get up and walk around every few hours. And please don't take estrogen unless you know you don't have a clotting disorder for sure.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Factor V Leiden
We're seeing the head of hematology tomorrow morning at Primary Children's Medical Center. I'm hoping to get more answers and hopefully some reassurance that there is preventative treatment.
My Mom found an online resource that I found very informative here:
I'm trying not to let my mind run wild with worries about these disorders. I've been reading other articles on the web and am not sure how to put this all together. I think I just need to trust the Lord and work to learn what I can do to help keep my family healthy.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Putting on a happy face
I do let myself cry and I usually do that several times a day right now. Sometimes I'll actually sob and let it all out for awhile, but I don't like to do that for long. It makes my eyes sore and gives me a headache and doesn't seem to lessen the pain as much as it just drains me. I miss her so much it literally hurts sometimes.
I know she's popping in to check on me and the rest of the family, but I guess I'm greedy because I want to hug her physical being and look in her eyes and hear her voice. My heart aches for the loss of my friend, my daughter.
Great, just typing this is making me nearly sob. Maybe this isn't a good idea...
I do trust God's will, but I realized through all this I can trust Him without liking it. That was an epiphany for me. Maybe I'm supposed to like His will, but in this I think God wouldn't blame me for disliking it.
I'm trying to focus on my gratitude for the comfort I've felt from the prayers offered on my behalf and the many tender mercies of the Lord. I feel most at peace when I do that, but sometimes I just feel nearly inconsolable. Then I pray and seek a distraction.
Keeping busy helps, but I don't want to ignore the reality of my loss and that of my other children and everyone else who lost her. I think it is a balancing act and sometimes I feel completely unsteady.
I think that talking about this will help me. I warn you though, it may not always be "pretty", but I hope to keep it real.
Posting about this journey
That being said, I'm still planning on posting memories of Aimee here as well as photos and more videos. I'm thinking about creating a "sister blog" as a remembrance of Aimee's journey. If I do that I'll post a link here for those who wish to only see posts in remembrance of Aimee.
So I guess this is the start...
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Photo Video
My Sister-In-Law, Janae Bingham, is a photographer and she put together this video that we displayed at the viewings. So many adorable pictures of my darling girl! It's a tear jerker so grab a tissue.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Layouts of Aimee and Our Family
Below is a sample of the layouts.
Just looking at these beautiful layouts makes me smile!
btw if you are family or a close friend and would like printable copies just let me know and I'll get them to you.
UPDATE: My cousin said she couldn't view the additional layouts so I'm working to get all the layouts uploaded to the Scrap Girls Gallery and will post links as I do so. They will be shared below:
Legoland 2006
Aimee and baby Aaron 2003
Video of Digital Scrapbook Layouts for Aimee's Viewing and Funeral
So many thanks to Brandy Murray for coordinating the creation of the layouts and creating the video! Thanks to all the Scrap Girls' product and layout designers who made layouts for me for this wonderful video. Looking through these layouts makes me smile! It's wonderful to have your friends as coworkers!
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Thank you!
I am planning to post the videos and layouts and additional memories of Aimee here once the funeral is over so that Aimee's memory will live on.
Much love,
Aimee's Obituary
Aimee Lynne Henline
Beloved Daughter
Aimee Lynne Henline, age 17, our beloved daughter, sister,granddaughter, niece, cousin and friend returned home to her Saviorand Heavenly Parents on Saturday, January 14, 2012, at 11:59 p.m. Shemade it home by curfew. She passed away surrounded by many loved onesat the University of Utah Hospital from an unexpected blood clot inher brain. Aimee fought valiantly and was so brave. She was like ashooting star that amazed us with her beauty, but she was only in ourmidst for a short time before she ascended into another realm.
Aimee was born on April 12, 1994, to Wendee Lynne Pease and Ken Henline. She is survived by her parents, Wendee and Garrett Pease, and Ken and Emily Henline. She is also survived by her sister, VictoriaPease, and brothers, Aaron Pease, Joseph Henline, and Zachary Henline.She is also survived by her grandparents and numerous aunts, uncles,cousins and friends who loved her dearly. She is now enjoying thecompany of her Aunt Angee and other loved ones in heaven.
Aimee was an active and faithful member of the Church of Jesus Christof Latter-day Saints and loved participating in the Young Women'sOrganization in her ward. Her greatest desire when planning activitieswas that everyone felt included. She had a great love for thescriptures and found that as she read them, her pains and the cares ofthe world would lessen.
In her senior year at Herriman High School, she especially enjoyed hertheatre class and theatre-related activities. Aimee treasured spendingtime with her wonderful friends. She was so very talented and loved tosing, act, dance, and entertain whenever she could. On her Facebookpage, she wrote: "I'm so happy I want to sing till I lose my voice andhum till I get it back." She loved theatre and put all she had intothe different roles she played. As a child, she played the perfectpart as Annie with her curly red hair and her feisty personality. Sheloved working on crafts, especially with her mom. Wendee and Aimeewere very close and one of the last things she told her mom was"you're my best friend." Together, mother and daughter formed abeautiful duet and their singing provided much joy. Aimee, we'll bewatching for you in the Heavenly Chorus of Angels!
At family gatherings, she loved to have a baby in her arms andchildren playing around her. She loved spending time with her familyand cousins, and they enjoyed many fun and happy times together. Sheconsidered her cousins as her most treasured friends. She loved beingwith her family and hated to see the party breaking up when it wastime to go home.
Aimee had a very strong spirit and always kept life interesting.Something we all loved about Aimee was, whether easy or hard, she didthings her own way. She could talk you into almost anything she puther mind to. Her favorite word was "amazing" and she used itfrequently. We think she is one of the most amazing people we willever know. Aimee loved giving service and her final act of service wasto donate to the Intermountain Donation Services with the hope ofhelping others.
Funeral services will be held Thursday, January 19, 2012, at 11:00a.m. at the LDS Stake Center located at 11685 South Kestrel Rise Road(4500 West) in South Jordan, Utah. A viewing will be held Wednesday,January 18, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Church and from 9:30 to10:30 a.m. on Thursday, prior to services at the Church. Funeral andburial arrangements are being made through Memorial Estates Mortuary,3115 East 7800 South. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made toZion's Bank under the Aimee Lynne Henline donation account to helpassist her family with medical expenses.
Aimee, we love you and will miss you, but Heaven will be even more amazing with you there!
Published in Deseret News on January 18, 2012
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Funeral Details
Founders Park Stake Building
11685 S. Kestrel Rise
South Jordan, UT
There will be a viewing Wednesday, January 18th at the stake center from 6:30 pm until 8:30 pm and Thursday morning from 9:00 am until 10:30 am.
Flowers can be delivered to the stake center at 4:00 pm Wednesday.
Aimee's favorite color is yellow. Many of us will be wearing yellow to these services.
Thank you all for your support and kindness.
Sympathy cards can be sent to the family at:
Wendee and Garrett Pease
5932 Soapstone Circle
South Jordan, Utah 84095
Friday, January 13, 2012
Friday Update
We haven't told our younger kids yet and I need to get some sleep so I can think. I'll try to post again later today.
later, but still early Friday morning
At one point, after being moved back to the critical care unit, Aimee had a heart attack because the pressure in her head was still too high. The doctors were there and her blood pressure dropped to 0 for only a few seconds before they were able to assist the heart. At that point, they decided that the best thing to reduce the pressure was medicate her into a deep coma.
That is where things are right now. Aimee appears to be resting peacefully as the doctors watch. It is now a time to wait and see what will happen next. As one Doctor put it, she is in the woods and we are taking things hour by hour.
We are hoping and praying for the best.
Friday Early Morning Update
The surgeon was able to clear out the clots with the catheter and the angio and put in the heparin tube. They took her to get another CT scan right after and are currently settling her in her room in Neuro ICU at the University Hospital. They may have to perform the surgery again or one similar in the morning, but now she has a chance and there is a way for the blood to exit her brain and relieve the pressure.
I am so relieved and can't wait to get in to see her.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Thursday Evening Update
Your prayers are truly appreciated.
Thursday Afternoon Update
They had to sedate her again for removing the lumbar drain and it again made her really non-responsive and have more breathing problems. Later in the morning, I think about 10am, the doctors decided to take her off all the medicines including the pain meds so they could get her back to a baseline and get her responding to us and answering questions again.
It took a few hours for the meds to wear off, but she got back to answering questions and was talking somewhat clearly. She's still a bit slurred in her speech, but could count fingers correctly and answer questions. She'll follow directions and give an opinion (argue) which is a wonderful thing to hear. (I'm not sure I'll be saying that once we're home again.)
They got enough responses that they were able to give her morphine again and just gave her a milder sedative that really helped with the pain and her anxiety response. I'm feeling like she's getting back to where she was before the lumbar drain. It's taking some time, but she's starting to gain ground again.
She's going to have a CTV scan (a CAT scan the focuses on the veins) in a few minutes and she's finally sleeping and breathing more normally. She responds when we try to arouse her and can even help slide herself up the bed. So things aren't as worrisome as they were earlier today and last night. It's been one difficult morning.
Please keep praying for Aimee, us, her doctors and that she'll heal well. I truly appreciate all your support and love!
Thursday First Update
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Wednesday Night Update
Wednesday Late Afternoon Update
We found out she has tested positive for some blood disorders. We're going to be adding a hematologist to the treatment team. What the tests amount to is that she was predisposed to form clots because of the blood disorders. I guess it's just one more piece of the puzzle.
So far the test for Lupas have come back negative though so I'm glad of that.
Wednesday Afternoon Update
She won't be able to eat for the next few hours to prepare for the procedure, but she doesn't seem to be hungry so I guess her milk shakes will have to wait until later. ;)
Right now she's talking in her sleep about being the referee and how she's pausing the game and starting the game. Partly this is due to the multitude of medicines she's on, but she does usually talk in her sleep so that's not anything they're worried about.
If you could pray that this procedure goes well and that her doctors will be able to help her heal and recover that would be really appreciated! Thanks again for all the love and support and prayers!
Wednesday's Mid Day Update
She's still in the ICU and is quite sedated, but arouses enough to eat and such. She'll probably stay here through today and maybe be moved back to the NTU (neuro trauma unit) tomorrow, but that is dependent on how she does over the next while.
The ophthalmologist examined her a few minutes ago and her vision in her left eye has worsened. They're using her eye exams to help them know how the pressure in her head is doing. It looks like it hasn't come down enough to take the pressure off her optic nerve which is a concern. They're talking about doing a lp (lumbar puncture/spinal tap) or a lumbar drain but they've been discussing that for the last day or so. It's sounding more like they'll do that, but we'll see.
btw her diagnosis is sinus venus thrombosis (blood clot in the veins exiting the brain) and nerve 6 palsey in both eyes (the nerve that moves her eyes is not working right which is causing double vision, etc).
Wednesday Morning Update
Yesterday was a really rough day so it's good to see her comfortable and able to rest. In the afternoon yesterday she was moved to the ICU and she was having some major pain issues and disorientation. Now that she's on scheduled pain meds and has the Valium and break through pain meds available she's much more comfortable and hasn't had another episode of confused responses. She has her own nurse that is in with us almost constantly and is monitoring her. They're taking really good care of her.
Last night she started drinking juice and in the middle of the night she even had a milk shake. That is the first "food" she's had since Sunday. They've been keeping her very hydrated with iv fluids, but it's good to see her having a desire to eat and drink again.
Thanks again for all your prayers, love and support! It means the word to us to have such supportive family and friends! If you're not comfortable posting a comment feel free to email me and I'll pass the message along to Aimee and respond as I have time. Love to you all!
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Tuesday's Afternoon Update
Tuesday's Mid Day Update
She had a rather rough morning. She was in lots of pain and had some difficulty with nausea after the sedation from the MRIs. The clots are also causing pressure on the area of the brain that causes nausea so she's taking Phenergan (anti-nausea med) to help with that. She's finally sleeping and seems to be much less tense so it's a relief to see her getting some relief from the pain and the anxiety.
Tuesday's Early Morning Update
Their plan is to keep her on iv fluids and get her really hydrated and possibly start some blood thinners tomorrow. They aren't planning on doing a spinal tap at this point, but that could change.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Monday's Updates
So if you don't know what's been going on here are the basics. Aimee has been having migraines for a couple months and they've been escalating. It's been quite debilitating and she's missed lots of school because of the pain she's been in. We hadn't been able to find any answers as to what was causing the headaches or how to stop them.
Yesterday afternoon she became very disoriented, her speech was slurred, she was seeing double, was dizzy and couldn't stand on her own. I took her to the ER and after doing a CT scan they found a subdural hematoma (she has a very small bleed in her brain).
Sunday night I rode with her in the back of the ambulance as she was transferred to Primary Children's Hospital. We spent the night here and all day today. She has a huge team of doctors working to help her. They don't have any absolute answers yet, but they've got some good leads that they're working on validating.
They think she may have too much cerebral spinal fluid which would be putting pressure on her brain and causing the symptoms she's been having including the headaches. Tonight she had several MRIs under anesthesia. They tried to perform the scans earlier without the anesthesia but she wasn't able to hold still enough. They're evaluating the scans now and are trying to make sure the bleed isn't increasing. They may do a spinal tap tomorrow to release some of the fluid and allow them to test the spinal fluid.
I'll try to post updates here throughout the day so I can keep everyone interested informed. You can leave Aimee and I messages here and I'll pass them onto her.
Thanks a bunch for all your love, concern, support and prayers!
1 Year Mark
It's really hard for me to believe that 1 year has gone by. The last week was really hard. Two weeks ago I started having nightmares rel...
I'm sorry if we didn't get you called and you find out this way, but my sweet Aimee didn't surive. She's still on a respirat...
I thought that as time went on it would get easier and I wouldn't hurt so much, but honestly it's getting harder. It seems wrong to ...
The last few days have been really hard. I am trying to "put on a happy face" in pubic (social media, in person, etc.). It's n...