Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Factor V Leiden

Today I found out that I tested positive for the blood clotting disorder called Factor V Leiden. This is one of the blood disorders that Aimee was diagnosed with in the last few days of her life. Garrett and Victoria tested normal. Aaron also tested positive for Factor V Leiden and his Protein S numbers were low.

We're seeing the head of hematology tomorrow morning at Primary Children's Medical Center. I'm hoping to get more answers and hopefully some reassurance that there is preventative treatment.

My Mom found an online resource that I found very informative here:

I'm trying not to let my mind run wild with worries about these disorders. I've been reading other articles on the web and am not sure how to put this all together. I think I just need to trust the Lord and work to learn what I can do to help keep my family healthy.



  1. Hi Wendee ,

    I work with Garrett from Minnesota . I had been following you . I just want to let you know that Mat 8:17 says that Jesus took all our sicknesses and diseases . I just want to believe with you that He is the Healer and He is able to heal you from all these stuff only do not worry . Trust in Him and I believe He will .
    David Sam
    Child of God


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