Monday, January 23, 2012

Layouts of Aimee and Our Family

My co-workers at made the digital scrapbooking layouts used to create the video in the previous post. Here is a link to view the individual layoutsWhen viewing the individual layouts you can increase the time each layout is displayed by clicking on the (+) at the bottom or simply click on the pause (") button and then use the arrow buttons to navigate to the next layout. If the buttons disappear move your mouse across the layout on the screen and they should reappear.

Below is a sample of the layouts.

Just looking at these beautiful layouts makes me smile!


btw if you are family or a close friend and would like printable copies just let me know and I'll get them to you.

UPDATE: My cousin said she couldn't view the additional layouts so I'm working to get all the layouts uploaded to the Scrap Girls Gallery and will post links as I do so. They will be shared below:

Legoland 2006
Aimee and baby Aaron 2003


  1. For some reason the link is not working for me. I love the example. So sweet and cute.

  2. I'm not sure why, but I'll take a look at it and find a solution. Thanks for letting me know. :)

  3. We would sure enjoy a few layouts of Aimee. Loved the Video.


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