Thursday, January 12, 2012

Thursday Evening Update

Things have changed dramatically over the last few hours. They did a CT scan and found that the clots had grown quite a bit and that she had a stroke. So she has a bleed in her brain. She is currently in surgery at the U in Interventional Radiology. They are trying to break up and suck out the clots. They will then put a tube in to release the heparin directly into the spot where the clots are so her body can prevent more from forming and to help dissolve the remainders. The surgery will likely take at least 3 or 4 hours.

Your prayers are truly appreciated.


  1. Oh Wendee, we are praying morning and night. We will keep it up. I love you.

  2. I just got Tam Text as I was checking your blogg to see if you had a chance to write anything. I am so happy for all of you and know the prayers and blessing will keep flooding in for all of you we love you all so much and hope that the challenges will just get smaller and go the heck away. We will all keep up the push from our end. Love you Aunt Shirley

  3. Thanks! We're so relieved and happy!


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